Go Green

Dear Customer:

Alternate Moving Systems Canada is dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint and helping to create a healthy and sustainable
future for generations to come through education, community outreach, and implementation of sustainable practices.

To that end, we are proud to introduce our GO GREEN initiative, making us one of the first national Van line to incorporate environmental programs and initiatives into our business model.

The Alternate Moving Systems Canada GO GREEN initiative takes a 3 step approach:
Our in-house initiative to Recycle, Reuse and Reduce in our day-to-day business practices.

  • Reducing or eliminating the use of non recyclable packing material
  • Reusing or recycling packing materials and containers where possible
  • Using only packing paper and boxes which are 100% recyclable
  • Reducing fuel emissions by following anti idling regulations, reducing highway speed and implementing regular mechanical and safety inspections on all trucks
  • Striving toward a paper-less workplace

Our participation in local and community based environmental initiatives.

  • Lending a hand with community projects such as: tree planting, park cleaning
  • Donating equipment and materials for environmental initiatives

Our efforts to assist you, our customer, to GO GREEN in your new home.

  • Providing Tips, links and other Green information to help you GO GREEN in your new home
  • Providing information on local solutions for the sale, reuse or environmentally friendly disposal of household items not being moved.

Moving is a pivotal point in our lives. It is an opportunity for a new approach, and a fresh start.
Alternate Moving is committed to doing our part and helping you do yours.
Take our “Green Challenge” and get off on the right foot in your new home.

Future generations will thank us…